Nursing Knowledge Hub
Library books & e-booksThe Library has a wide range of books and e-books covering all aspects of nursing, mentorship, revalidation, leadership, coaching, and much more. All East Cheshire NHS Trust staff and students on placement are able to join the library and borrow books. If you are unsure where to start please speak to a member of library staff and we will be happy to help you.
Royal Marsden ManualThe Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures is available to borrow from the library and also available as an e-book. Access from hospital computers via the Start Menu on the PC and scroll down the list of programs to the Royal Marsden, or via the library website or page on connECT. Login with an NHS Athens username and password.
UpToDateUpToDate is an evidence-based decision support tool which is available to all Trust staff. It includes over 11,000 clinical topics, drug information and much more. Access from work by clicking the UpToDate link in the Start Menu, or from anywhere with a personal login or NHS Athens. More information is available here.
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