Health Literacy Knowledge Hub
What is Health Literacy?
Health Literacy is the ability to access, understand, appraise and use health information to make health-related decisions. In the UK, we know from research by Gill Rowlands that 43% of adults struggle with text-based health information; rising to 61% if the health information includes numbers as well as text. In Cheshire East this is estimated to be 35% for text-based information, rising to 54% for information with both text and numbers. NHS staff need to be aware of health literacy issues to support effective access to information.
Further information
Improve your core skillsAccess free online tutorials to help you improve your English and maths skills. Some examples are:
Video: What is health literacy and why is it important? |
Library resourcesThe library has books to help you improve your English language and communication skills, and an English Language Knowledge Hub with links to lots of free online resources, including the 'Healthy English' e-learning developed at East Cheshire NHS Trust. There is also a Communication Game you can borrow to play as a team.
BMJ Best PracticeBMJ Best Practice is an evidence-based decision support tool which is purchased nationally by HEE for all NHS staff. It includes a variety of patient information leaflets which are written in a clear, concise way. Access from work by clicking the link in the Start Menu, or from home with your NHS Athens account.
UpToDateUpToDate is an evidence-based decision support tool which is available to all Trust staff. It includes a wealth of patient information leaflets, although does have an American bias. Access from work by clicking the UpToDate link in the Start Menu, or from anywhere with a personal login (create one for free when logged in at work) or NHS Athens account.
Video: Learn about Teach Back
Teach Back - Twitter from NES on Vimeo.
Video: Learn about Chunk and Check