Critical appraisal
Journal Club HandbookDeveloped by Holly Cook, Clinical Librarian, for use in journal clubs within the trust. For more help or information contact Holly: [email protected].
TrainingIntroduction to Critical Appraisal: How to read a paper
Covers: the evidence hierarchy; study types; peer review; and basic statistics. Useful for: anyone who makes decisions based on research papers. If you're doing research, auditing or just interested in learning how to read and understand journal articles better, contact the library today by email or phone! eLearning for Healthcare online training Critically appraising the evidence base The critical appraisal programme has been designed to enable the healthcare workforce (clinical and non-clinical) to build confidence in the critical appraisal process when applying and evaluating research. |
- Centre for Evidence Based Medicine: lots of information and critical appraisal tools, including on Levels of Evidence.
- Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP): provides various tools and checklists for appraising different types of research.
- Critical appraisal of an RCT using the CASP checklist: series of videos by Barts Health Library
- Critically appraising for antiracism: recognising racial bias in research: e-learning created by Cardiff University
- Cochrane: Evidence Essentials (free online course).
- Advanced evaluation information provided by The Open University.
- BestBETs: includes a database of critical appraisals undertaken by other people. It includes a variety of different critical appraisal checklists.
- CONSORT - transparent reporting of trials.
- CRAAP Test - for assessing websites, books, articles and a range of resources.
- Critical thinking and Appraisal Resource Library (CARL)
- HealthKnowledge: an online course on finding and appraising the evidence.
- How to spot fake news
- Making sense of statistics
- Students4BestEvidence: critical appraisal checklists.
- Teaching Evidence Based Healthcare: free online training on finding and appraising the evidence, including statistical analysis.
- Testing Treatments: key concepts for critical thinking about treatment claims.
- Understanding health research: a toolkit guiding you through a series of questions to help you to review and interpret a published health research paper.
Introduction to Critical Appraisal
Critical Appraisal of a qualitative study
Critical Appraisal of a quantitative study